Sunday, August 1, 2010

Ghost writing

monica from BBC fame (yo get me a UK job) showed us a neat trick yesterday at the Ferry building in SF where we met for burgers. Since we all whore ourselves anonymously and ghost write crap for bar money, why not see where it ends up? this was a very strange exercise. for obvious legal reasons, i can't show you the pages since i signed in blood and already sold my soul but wow. all you ghost writers out there should quote search a sentence you wrote and see where it ends up. one man/chick used a fake Mexican restaurant review i did in Hayward(i actually ate there but the assignment was for an alarm company that secures your place when you live in bad areas like Hayward). he/she used it for an alarm company blog, a chick blog, a mexican food review site and yelp. damn, he/she got her/his four dollar's worth of textbroker love. the funniest was bartender kyle who wrote about crocheting Nintendo characters. two fake blogs, a Nintendo fan site, a video game blog and a Korean pornstar all enjoy knitting Bowsers and Piranha plants.

1 comment:

  1. That porn star was a little on the thick side. But boobs and cheeseburgers make the world go round.
